Back in Switzzzerland
After 6 months styding at Cèsar Ritz in Le Bouveret and a 4 month internship at the Zermatterhof in Zermatt, I was finally able to go home on a long deserved vacation! It was really nice being able to see family and friends again. My mother wasnt late about putting me to work which is quite normal. You know, our house back home is a neverending project. Always somethng which has to be done, especially when I am home. This time I had to dig up the whole front yard and then cover it with sand so its even. Then later its supposed to be covered with stone, so it can be used for whatever garden parties she might have in mind. Thing though is that our house is located up a hill with tons of stairs and a small road next to it, designed so Kim can carry things up. So everytime a new project is under way, all the things (sand, stone, equipment) has to be carried up this hill (Atleast 90% ascent), which is always when I'm home. Atleast I got bigger legs now than Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime (which now is the reason why the pants for my suit dont fit). Oh well...
I also had some time to spend with my friends. We did alot of hiking this summer so I thought I'd post a few pictures. The ones below are from Runde, which is a famous mountain close to where I live. It has several thousand bird species, and is visited by thousands of tourists every year.

I also had some time to spend with my friends. We did alot of hiking this summer so I thought I'd post a few pictures. The ones below are from Runde, which is a famous mountain close to where I live. It has several thousand bird species, and is visited by thousands of tourists every year.

After 2 months at mothers labour camp, I am now back in Switzerland starting up my second year of studies for my Bachelor of Tourism and Hotel Management. I now transfered to Brig, where Cèsar Ritz have their University Center. It's nice being back seeing my classmates again. Just finished the induction weekend, which has been packed with various information classes.
This is a picture of me and Mr.Ritz, outside the school's entrance! Oh well thats all for this time folks. It's time to go watch some football! Gooo France...
Haha, bæring i spleng ja
Those picture are amazing, really beautiful. Except of course for the one of you. Ha Ha just kidding. It seems like you had a really great vacation, that's awesome!!! see ya
OooOo rosa kler dej virkeli kjakan;) Men ka shera, ei veske?!
Uhuuuu. Fresht d e der nede.
Gjett om! Her e det bading å soling kvar en dag...fæ nå skule då..hah!
this guy is my room mate n hes a freak... give him some beer n hed go bonkers...!
koselig side mykje fine å bra bilde! stå på kim. men husk i jula e du vår!
you know what i mean!
me sjåast :)
skal bli kjekt det lova ej
ps hold kontakt ikkje berre i kvalsvika
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