School's on !
First week of school is over and a wee wiser I am (wee = "Little", recieving Scottish lessons in my marketing class....don't ask). I've ended up with e very long weekend, since I've got only one class on monday and none on tuesday. In other words, I don't have much to do all day except enjoying this fabolous bed, I've been provided. That brings to mind that the position as "back scratcher is open, so those girls interested can leave their CV + picture, and I will get back to you! Other than that, the first week of school has been quite enjoyable. Things are alot different here compared to Le Bouveret where I spent my first two terms. All in all it's been to the better...just need time to adjust.

Today me and a few friends, ventured on an excursion to Montreux to enjoy the last day of the Montreux JaZz festival. Montreux is a larger city on the shores of Lake Geneva. It hosts every year the world-known Montreux JaZz festiva,l which attracts famous artists from around the world. We spent most of the day strolling around Montreux, looking at all the booths and shops. Due to the extreme heat, we did like most others..parked our butts at the water front, trying to cool down. We also took a trip to Bouveret, visiting my old school. It was nice being back and parts of me wanted to stay. We went to the lake, where I stripped down to my very lovely boxer shorts and jumped in. We also enjoyed Bouverets finest cousine, the world renowned Kebab!

After a quite interesting day, I also had the pleasure of being tortured by my 3 female companions (yes, I am big pimpin). They put me through a 1 1/2 hour car ride back with Madonna blasting from the speakers...I recieved no mercy...I am now scarred for life and I can also recite most of her songs...OMG!

Well, thats all the information I have for ya at this time...I will get back to you later with more interesting news from Switzerland!
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