Laaazy days!

Hey all! Gosh I must admit I've become quite lazy the last few weeks, so I havnt gotten around to write much. I will try to slap myself back to concience. This last weekend the school held an "Fun & Field Day", at our sister school in Bouveret. The idea was here to organize several activities (both water&land) during the day and finish it off with a BBQ. As we all witnessed the weather gods, took our pleasure away and gifted us with buckets of water throughout the day! All the activities got moved indoors but we still had lots of fun. Later on that day we got served food indoors, which was enjoyed with ice cold beers. All in all I must say it was quite a success...
Here we have everybody gathered outside at the tug of war contest (yes, it stopped raining for 5 sec..were we lucky..oh indeed).
This view is from one of the schools balconys showing the lake Geneva. On the other side we have the city of Montreux!
Other than the sportsday, life here in Brig hasnt changed much. We're in the middle of our mid term exams, so we got more to do than usual. It's weird getting back to school after 4 months of intraining and 2 months of holidays (check labour camp post). Just finding the motivation to open the books and start studying again has been horrible..but I am getting there! It's also really nice to be back though. I must also say I really enjoy the new campus and its sorroundings. In my personal opinion, a step up from Bouveret. Here in brig you have much more personal freedom, which has its pro & cons. The con is you really have to motivate yourself in order to keep studying, while in Bouveret you were constantly pushed by your teachers. The pro is that you have much more personal space. You have a much more leanient schedule, with much more time off to persue personal interests. Also you live off campus which gives you more breathing room. Looking back though, I never regret going to Bouveret. It tought me alot, especially all the practicals we did!
Well, I guess that was all I had to say for this time..I promise I will try to update it a wee more often in the time coming!
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