Sunday, September 24, 2006

Chasing Trolls

Above one can see a picture of my lovely hometown, Fosnavåg! Currently one of the most prosperous cities in Norway. Fosnavåg holds all the major offshore companys in Norway, who in return own 1/4 of the entire European fleet. Quite impressive huh? We also have wonderfull kebabs (Milano Versågod)! As you can see above, the fog is a very good friend of ours (Those of you who have seen "The Fog", plz dont run..its alright).
Fuzzys first days in Norway have been quite eventfull, I must say! We arrived very late friday evening. My mum had made homemade pizzas and tacos. My taste buds had quite the feast, along with my stomach, who was rather on the complaining side afterwards. After a good nights sleep, we buckled up in my Ferrari (common, its my story), and set off on a day filled with glorious sights. We visitied every island. crossed every bridge, and fell asleep (atleast he did). Well, I must agree with him. All the spectacular sigts at once, might knock out even the best of us. With Fuzzy snoring in the passenger seat, we decided to call it a day. We decided to get a good rest the next day so we slept in. At 1400, after having to roll myself out of bed, "we" decided to do a small hiking trip. After dragging Fuzzy by the foot out the door, we finally stood there...facing the intimidating mountain called "Hornseten" (360 meters above the ocean). One could see the proud smile upon his face, as he dragged himself the last meters up to the peak. On the way down, I did a quadrupel flip and almost brok my leg. Out of training I guess...

Fuzzys impressions so faar as stated on his msn:
' ƒaγaz ™ {FuzZy iN orWay..BLondes..Beers..Burgers..burp..!}

Below I've posted two pictures we took during our adventures:

Thats all for now folks! Be back with more later....


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hey Fans!

Ahh, a long week has gone by! Just aced my way through my last exam, and it feels great! Came home to a fridge filled with chilled beers, ready for me to consume! Believe me, they taste so refreshing it gives me shivers all over...oohh yeahh...erm, alright..what was I saying? Ah yeah, finished all my exams, and I'm finally ready for my term brake! Taking my room mate on an excursion to the northern part of the continent. Yeah he's pretty eager to go check out the pinguins and ice bears. Indeed, a weekend of horny helmets and mead by the gallons it will be! Oh ye Odin, I worship thee! Thee and thy companions in thy great hall! Harr Harr...

Yours lovingly,
